Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Google Internet Technology: Google Fiber

If you don’t know what Google Fiber is, let me quickly explain.

Google Fiber is Google’s plan to get insanely fast internet to everybody at a reasonable price. The big USP about Google Fiber is that it is SUPER fast, and by “super” I really do mean fast — like 1000Mbps fast.

To give you an idea of just how quick that is: imagine your “fast” 100Mbps connection now and how long it would take to download 100 photographs. The time for 100Mbps? Around 4 minutes. Right, get this: Google Fiber would do the same task in 3 seconds, making it up to 100x faster.

This means you can stream 4K video effortlessly. In fact, you could stream 4K video and download six films at the same time and nothing would slow down. Make no mistake, Google Fiber is the biggest thing to happen to the web since, well… the internet began.
Google Fiber is now up and in operation in some parts of the US, and if you’re lucky enough to live in a state with Fiber, you also get unlimited local and nationwide calling alongside some awesome TV packages. Basically, Fiber is a fix-all solution for those dissatisfied with current ISPs.

The only problem? Google cannot get Fiber out fast enough. But according to a new FCC filing, the Big G might have a solution that could solve all the logistical nightmares in getting Fiber out to millions of additional people.

Fiber is going wireless. Google is planning to conduct tests of a new wireless technology in California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia, which aims to bring Google Fiber to these places without the need for actual fiber cables.

“In order to bring high-speed internet to homes without wires,” reports BGR, “Google would use spectrum much higher than currently used in wireless cell networks. It would use frequencies between 3.3 and 3.8GHz, most likely using line-of-site technology.”

This is a technology current ISPs are using all over the world. It’s called fiber-to-the-neighbourhood (FTTN), but the benefit of Google Fiber is that it would be A LOT cheaper than current offerings for traditional ISPs.
If the tests are successful it will mean Google can roll-out Fiber to every state in the US in a very short period of time, compared to how long it would take with a manual install of fiber cables across the nation.

And the sooner this happens the better.


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