Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Jobs at Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA)

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority has a number of job opportunities as shown in the advert attached to this email. If you know someone with the relevant qualification you may encourage her/him to apply. Note that the deadline for submission of the applications is 29/12/2017 which is almost two weeks as from now.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Important notes from TCU

Tanzania Commission for Universities

Change of Procedure for Admissions to Undergraduate Programmes for 2017/18 Academic Year/ Taarifa kwa umma kuhusu mbadiliko ya udahili wa ngazi ya shahada kwa mwaka 2017/18

The Tanzania Commission for Universities wishes to inform all the prospective applicants for admission into various undergraduate degree programmes, all Higher Learning Institutions, stakeholders and the general public that, following the government directives as  from  2017/18 academic year application and selection of students for various Degree Programmes offered by Higher Learning Institutions shall be conducted directly by Institutions. By this notice all prospective higher education applicants are directed to apply and submit their applications for admissions to the respective Higher Learning Institutions once advertised.


The Commission wishes also to inform the Public that the minimum entry qualifications for Admission into Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) for 2017/2018 academic year, shall be as follows:

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications

Completed A-­‐Level studies before 2014
Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D = 2; E = 1).

Completed A-­‐Level studies in 2014 and 2015
Two principal passes (Two Cs) with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B+ = 4; B = 3; C= 2; D = 1).

Completed A –Level studies from 2016 onwards
Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D = 2; E = 1).

Recognition of Prior Learning qualification B+  Grade:  
where  A  =75-­‐100,  B+  =  65-­‐74,  B=50-­‐64,  C
=40-­‐49, D = 35-­‐39, F = 0-­‐38.
Equivalent qualification:
At  least  four  O’-­‐Level  passes  (Ds  and  above)  or  NVA Level   III   with   less   than   four   O’-­‐Level   passes   or equivalent foreign qualifications as established by either NECTA or VETA; AND
i) At least a GPA of 3.0 for Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6); OR
ii) Average of C for Full Technician Certificate (FTC) (where A=5, B=4, C=3, and D=2 points); OR
iii) Average of ‘B’ Grade for Diploma in Teacher Education; OR
iv) Average of ‘B’ Grade for Health-­‐related awards such as Clinical Medicine and others; OR
v) A Distinction for unclassified diplomas and certificates.
vi) Upper Second Class for classified non-­‐NTA diplomas.

Subject to the approved Academic Almanac by the government the Commission further wishes to inform that, applications for admission will be as from 22nd July 2017 to 13th August, 2017 and studies for academic year 2017/2018 will commence not before 30th October, 2017.

Issued by:
The Executive Secretary Tanzania Commission for Universities

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dondoo za ripoti Kamati ya uchunguzi Mchanga wa Madini

Huu ni muhtasari wa kamati ya uchunguzi wa mchanga wa madini kama ulivyowasilishwa na mwenyekiti wake Prof Mruma hii keo Ikulu!.


1.Kamati ilikuwa na kazi ya kuchunguza aina na kiwango cha madini yaliyopo ndani ya mchanga wa madini unaosafirishwa nje!.

2.Chimbuko la utafiti huo ni kutojulikana kwa kiwango cha makinikia na mikataba yake!.

3. Hadidu za rejea zilikuwa ,Kufanya uchunguzi wa makinikia kwenye bandari ya dsm na migodini,Kufanya uchunguzi wa kimaabara ili kujua thamani na aina ya madini yaliyopo kwenye makilikia,kuchuza uwezo wa scanner zilizopo bandarini,kuchunguza uwezo wa TMAA katika kusimamia makinikia,

4.Kamati ilitembelea bandari ya Dsm,bandari kavu na kwenye migodi ya Bulyanhuru na Buswagi,yapo makontena ambayo kamati ilichukua sampuli ya juu na chini,sampuli nyingine ilikuwa zigzaga!.

5.Kamati ilichunguza uwezo wa scanner kupima makinikia!.

6.Kamati ilikokotoa thamani ya madini yaliyopatikana kwenye makinikia!.


1.Kamati imebaini uwepo wa dhahabu kiasi Kikubwa cha dhahabu kwenye makinikia,katika makontena 277 yaliyozuiliwa kulikuwa na tani saba za dhahabu!.

2.Makontena 277 yaliyozuliwa yalikuwa na dhahabu yenye thamani zaidi ya shilingi Trilioni moja nukta moja nne saba!.

3.Kamati ilibaini uwepo wa madini ya shaba,Silver,surpher,chuma.

4.Copper pekee ilikuwa ya thamani ya shilingi Bilioni 23.3,hapa kulikuwa na tofauti kubwa na ripotibya serikali ambayo ilionesha kuwa na thamaninya Bilioni 13.

4.Upande wa silver kamati ilibaini uwepo wa silver ya thamani ya bilioni 2.1.tofauti na ripoti ya Serikali ilionesha thamani ya Bilioni 1.

5.Upande wa surpher kamati ilibaini uwepo wa surpher ya thamani ya shilingi bilioni 1.9,kamati ilibaini madini madini haya hayapo katika mrabaha

6.Kamati ilibaini uwepo wa madini ya chuma yenye thamani ya shilingi Bilioni 2.3,

7.Kamati ilibaini uwepo wa madini mkakati ambayo kwa sasa yanahitajika sana duniani yenye thamani kati ya bilioni 129.5 mpaka  bilioni 261.5

Thamani ya madini yote katika makinikia kwenye makontena 277 yaliyochunguzwa kamati imebaini yana thamani ya triloni 1.339,ambazo serikali haipati hasa senti moja na hayapo kwenye mrabaha!.

8.Kamati imegundua uwepo wa madini mengine mengii ambayo hayarekodiwi kwenye nyaraka za serikali!.

9.Kamati imebaini wakala wa madini Tanzania hawafungi utepe kwenye makontena kuonesha viwango vya madini,kamati imebaini ufungwaji huu kufanyika wakati wa kusafirisha makontena.

10.Kamati imebaini scanner za bandarini kutokuwa na uwepo wa kubaini utotoshwaji wa mali!.


1.Serikali isitishe usafirishaji wa mchanga nje ya nchi

2.Serikali ihakikishe mitambo ya kusafisha makinikia unafanyika nchini

3.TMAA ifunge utepe mara baada ya mchanga kupakiwa kwenye makontena!.

4.TMAA ipime metal zote kwenye makininia

5.TMAA ipime viwango vyote vya makinikia na madini kwenye mbar bila kujali ripoti ya msafirishaji hii itasaidia Serikali kupata mrabaha!.

6.Serikali iwachukulie hatua watendaji wa TMAA na wizara husika.

7.Serikali iweke mfumo kushtukiza kwenye udhibiti wa madini!.

8.Serikali itumie wataalam wa mionzi kwenye scanner za bandarini!.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Form four examination results (CSEE) for 2016

The Tanzania form four National Examination Results for the year 2016 are out. the total students passed are 277,283 which is equivalent to 77% of the total candidates. 73.26% BOYS AND 67.06% GIRLS.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Standard Gauge Railway now to be build by Turkey Government at half a price that of China

The Tanzanian President Dr. John Pombe Magufuli has cancelled a $7 billion standard gauge railway project because it was bloated with corruption by the previous government and chinese contractors. The new project will be worked on between Tanzania and Turkey at almost a half the price.

Source: Africlandpost.com