Saturday, February 7, 2015


SOLOMON MAHLANGU CAMPUS is one among of the campus of Sokoine University of agriculture as university of agriculture found in Tanzania morogoro, it specialized in Agriculture. By Parliamentary Act No. 6 of the same year, on 1 July 1984 Sokoine university of Agriculture was established. SUA University is made up of four campuses and one college constituent, and this includes the Main Campus and Solomon Mahlangu Campus in Morogoro, the Olmotonyi Campus in Arusha, and the Mazumbai Campus in Lushoto,Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) is located in Moshi municipality as the constituent college.

SMC campus is about 200 Km west from Dar es Salaam city, the city of business in Tanzania. This campus was started in April, 1979 as an educational facility for the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa where by for that time is known as ANC School, Mazimbu. Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) facility was handed over to the Tanzanian Government in 1992 by the ANC following the collapse of apartheid regime in South Africa. Following several requests to the Government by SUA to own the facility, the Government eventually approved the request on 23/7/1998. In March, 1999 the SUA Council during its 60th meeting, renamed the Campus, Solomon Mahlangu Campus in honor of the historical role the Campus played in the liberation struggle of the Republic of South Africa. On March 13th 2000 the MSTHE officially handed over the Campus to SUA. After the handing over, the SUA Council appointed a Director in April, 2000 to oversee the administration and transformation of the campus.
Therefore SMC has got permission to: training, research, consultancy and outreach. SMC offers training that lead to awards of certificates, diplomas, and bachelors.
SMC are formed with students taken non-degree programmes such as certificate in information technology and Diploma in Information  Technology which are under the SUA computer centre and Degrees for direct and equivalents students who pass to come at Sokoine university of agriculture at SMC.SUA trains students at undergraduate level leading to degree awards BSc. Applied Agricultural Extension, BSc. Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness,BSc. Range Management, Bachelor of Tourism Management, BSc. Education (Chemistry & Biology; Chemistry & Mathematics; Geography & Biology; Geography & Mathematics and Informatics & Mathematics options), BSc. Informatics, Bachelor of Rural Development, BSc. Agricultural Education. Furthermore Sokoine University of Agriculture (smc) offers consultancy and outreach services in areas such as agriculture, forestry, rural development and information and communication technology.
Main library found in Solomon Mahlangu campus(SMC)
Solomon mahlangu campus contain Teaching and educational facilities about 28 classrooms, 4 lecture halls, 3 computer rooms, 6 laboratories, a library and an auditorium known as “the Nelson Mandela Freedom Square (DOME) where the graduation ceremonies every year is conducted at (DOME) for every student finish their undergraduate degree programs at SUA study and reside at SMC include those pursuing BSc.Degrees in Environmental Sciences and Management, Education, Informatics, Agricultural economics and Agribusiness, Range Management, Applied Extension Education, Bachelor of Rural Development and Bachelor of Tourism Management as well as expanding of the Library (formerly used by the ANC) has been extended by constructing a new building near the old one to increase sitting space and other facilities. This has been a good chance to the existing degree programs, and the launch of new degree programs.
Picture of Mwalimu J.K Nyerere found infront of the Freedom Bridge
Within the SMC there is Nursery and Primary School has 1,260 pupils enrolled from standard I to VII, all of this schools are run and managed by Morogoro Municipal Council even though but all the buildings are owned by SUA.
Also at Solomon mahlangu campus for ensure the health facilities of people found at this campus of Mazimbu, there is Hospital (Formerly known as Neil Aggett ANC/Holland Solidarity
Hospital). After the departure of the Freedom fighters, the hospital operated as grade “A” wing of the Morogoro Regional Hospital. One of the most important health facilities at the campus, serving both the university and the neighborhood community.

The area of SMC is about 1,050 ha totally, farm land which is 1,030 ha and 20 ha are for other infrastructures. The total area of farm is about 1,030 ha of which 450 ha are suitable for cultivation of cereals, 550 ha for grazing and 30 ha for horticultural purposes.

Due to the fact that SMC it was the former base of ANC in Tanzania SMC has a number of historical sites, which have been attracting a number of visitors. The Nelson Mandela Freedom square, where (used for mass meetings during the ANC time) the Heroes square, while now used as an area for doing test and university examination, where some of the ANC freedom fighter and their relatives were laid in peace during their activist process, the ANC- Holland solidarity Hospital, the Vuyisile Mini Furniture Factory and the farm are some of places one would wish to visit if interested in knowing a variety of environment activities that the ANC people were involved in during their presence.

And to simplify student’s services and other peoples around SMC, there are other social services availables in SMC and those are Transportation, Banking services, cafeterias as well as stationeries, all of these services are provided to students and all society sorrounding SMC

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