Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Picha ya Joseph Mwaisango iliyo postiwa na rafiki yangu Rama Msangi ikimuonyesha binti ambaye kwa kila tofali mbili anazobeba kama anavyoonekana pichani, na kuzisafirisha kwa umbali wa mita 500, hulipwa tshs 50 tu. 

Analazimika kufanya hivyo ili kuwasaidia wazazi wake katika kuiendesha familia. Ndio, ni shilingi 50 tu, na jumla itategemea amemenyeka ruti ngapi kwa siku. Hapa ni Mbeya, Tanzania, katika nchi ambayo viongozi waliopewa jukumu la kuiandalia mustakabali wake, wanadai posho ya shs 300,000/ kwa siku, haiwatoshi kwa wao kukaa kwenye kiyoyozi, kwenye kiti cha kuzunguka, na akiwa kavaa suti. 

Mliosoma hesabu, mnaweza kutusaidia kuwa ili binti huyu na familia yake waione laki tatu, atatakiwa kubeba matofali mangapi. Sitetei na wala sio shabiki wa vurugu za wananchi, lakini ninaamini kabisa kuwa, kuna watu wamechoka kuiona nchi hii ikiwa katika amani na wangependa siku moja kuona inakuwaje ikiwa wananchi wataamua kushika bakora na kuanza kuwawajibisha waliopewa nafasi.

Mothers of the world!! This is true it is happening and continues to happen

Our mothers, our wives and our sisters

Seen this Picture!!  please leave a comment

Monday, February 24, 2014

Orodha ya majina ya walioitwa kwenye usaili TBS Februari 2014

Shirika la Viwango Tanzania  

Shirika linapenda kuwatangazia waombaji wa nafasi za Inspection

Technician II, Records Management Assistant II, Inspection Technician II (Deep sea) na Quality Assurance Officer II (Electrical Engineer) kuwa wafuatao wamechaguliwa kuendelea na usaili wa mahojiano utakaofanyika tarehe 25.02.2014
  • Kada ya Inspection Technician II, tarehe 26.02.2014 
  • Kada ya Records Management Assistant II na tarehe 27.02.2014 
Usaili utakuwa kwa kada za Inspection Technician II (Deep Sea) na Quality Assurance Officer II (Electrical Engineer).
Usaili utaanza saa 02:30 asubuhi katika ukumbi wa TBS ubungo Dar es Salaam.

Wasailiwa wanatakiwa kuzingatia yafuatayo:-
1.      Kuja na vyeti Halisi (original certificates) vya kuanzia kidato cha nne na vyeti vya taaluma
2.      “Transcript”, “Provisional Results”, “Statement of results”, hati za matokeo ya kidato cha nne na sita HAVITAKUBALIWA.
3.      Kila msailiwa aje na kitambulisho kinachomtambulisha.
4.      Kila msailiwa atajigharamia kwa chakula, usafiri na malazi.
5.      Kila msailiwa azingatie tarehe na eneo alilopangiwa kufanya usaili.
6.      Wale ambao majina yao hayakuonekana katika tangazo hili watambue kuwa maombi yao hayakufanikiwa.
7.      Usaili utaanza saa Mbili na Nusu asubuhi (02:30)

Bofya hapa kufungua majina ya walioitwa kwenye usaili - Feb 2014.pdf

Africa be grateful to Julius Nyerere, says Pres. Mugabe

Kuda Bwititi via The Sunday Mail Zimbabwe -- President Mugabe has called on fellow African leaders to honour Tanzania’s founding President, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, saying it was embarrassing that such a revered figure is not getting the recognition he deserves for the immense contribution he made to the liberation of many African states.

Speaking at a birthday party hosted for him by staff of his office at State House yesterday, the President said African leaders should do more to honour Dr Nyerere, who supported liberation movements by making his country a sanctuary for freedom fighters.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Job opportunities at UDSM

The University of Dar es Salaam invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to be considered for immediate employment to fill the following vacant posts:

·         Planning Officer I (1 post)
  • Security Guard II (2 posts)
  • Secretary II ( 5 posts)
  • Administrative Officer I (1 post) 
  • Senior Artisan II -Electrical (1 post) College of Engineering and Technology
  • Driver II (1 post)
  • Director of Human Resource and Administration

Deadline: Two weeks from the date of first appearance of this advertisement.

Matokeo ya Mtihani wa Kitaifa 2013 Kidato cha Nne na QT

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tangazo la nafasi za kazi 517 Serikalini

Serikali kupitia Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma imetangaza jumla ya nafasi wazi za kazi 517 kwa ajili ya waajiri mbalimbali nchini.

Katibu wa Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma Bw. Xavier Daudi amewataka waombaji wote wa fursa za ajira serikalini kuzingatia masharti ya tangazo, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuambatisha vielelezo muhimu kabla ya kutuma barua ya maombi. Aidha, amesema nafasi hizo za kazi zimewekwa katika tovuti Sekretarieti ya Ajira ambayo ni www.ajira.go.tz. Ambapo ali bainisha kuwa ya mwisho wa kupokea barua za maombi ya kazi ni tarehe 03 Machi, 2014.

Nafasi ni za fani nyingi sana

Tafadhali bofya hapa upate nafasi zilizo tangazwa na vigezo vyake. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014


The University of Dodoma invites applications from suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill the following positions.


Required qualifications:
Holder of a University degree in Public/Business Administration, Sociology, Human Resources or Law or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

Basic Duties:
Deals with general University administration and Management.

Salary Scale: PGSS 10

Required qualifications:
Holder of a Bachelors Degree or its equivalent in Economics, Educational Planning, Engineering, Engineering Management, Statistics, Architecture, or Computing from a recognized institution.

Basic Duties:
Implements the University’s rolling strategic plan; participate in the preparation of the University budget and Collects, analyse and keep University statistics and data.

Salary Scale: PGSS 10

Required qualifications:
Possession of a University Degree in Accountancy or Advanced Diploma in Accountancy or Professional Level II or Module C and D.

Basic Duties:
Executes audit programmes and assist the Internal Auditor.

Salary Scale: PGSS 10

Required qualifications:
Holder of LLB degree plus one year Internship.

Basic Duties
Deals with all legal correspondences addressed to the University.

Salary Scale: PGSS 11


Required qualifications:
Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized institution WITH passes in shorthand at 50/60 w.p.m, Manuscript, Tabulation stage III, Secretarial Duties and Office Practice Stage II.

Basic Duties:
To provide Secretarial services.

Salary Scale: PGSS 8

Required qualifications:
Holder of Form Four School Certificate or its equivalent.

Basic Duties:
After receiving appropriate orientation, the Office Assistant will be assigned duties and responsibilities as per specific requirements of the area of deployment.

Salary Scale: POSS 5

7. POSITION: DRIVER II (7 positions)
Required qualifications
Form IV Certificate with passes in Kiswahili and English. A valid Class C Driving License and working experience of not less than four years. Possession of Trade Test Grade II/Drivers Grade II certificate from recognised Institutions such as NIT or VETA, will be an added advantage.

Basic Duties:
Drive and maintain institutional vehicles.

Salary Scale: POSS 5

Required qualifications
Secondary Education Certificate PLUS Diploma in records management from a recognized Institution.

Basic Duties
Handle all registry activities and office records.

Salary Scale: PGSS 6

Required qualifications
Form IV/VI Certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili PLUS training in hospitality He/ She must be fluent in English and Kiswahili languages.

Basic Duties
Receive and direct guests/visitors of the University

Salary Scale: PGSS 5

Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Accountancy, Finance or a full Intermediate Professional stage with Module C&D with ability to use relevant computer application software.

Basic Duties
Maintain accurate accounts records and custodian of accountable documents

Salary Scale: PGSS 10


Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree in Architecture, Building Economics, Land Management and Valuation, Civil, Electrical or Environmental Engineering or equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institution.

Basic Duties
Assist in the planning and management of Estate activities and services.

Salary Scale: PGSS 11

12. POSITION: ARTISAN II (10 Positions)
Required qualifications
Ordinary Level Secondary Education Certificates with Trade Test Grade III/level I with at least three years working experience in related field

Basic Duties
Perform with minimum supervision-large technical jobs requiring high level of skills/craftsmanship

Salary Scale: POSS 5

Required qualifications:
Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics or equivalent from a recognized Institution.

Basic Duties:
Assist in managing and maintaining server operating systems and networks

Salary Scale: PGSS 11

Required qualifications:
Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Physical Education and Sports or equivalent from a recognized Institution.

Basic Duties:
Conduct basic training in various sports and games and assist in taking charge of play grounds, sports and equipment.

Salary Scale: PTSS 10

Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree in Fine Art, Music, Language, Engineering, Theatre Art, or its equivalent from any recognized Institution.

Basic Duties
Assist teaching of relevant areas of specialization e.g. preparation of teaching materials, arrangement of the labs, studio etc.

Salary Scale: PUSS 6

16. POSITION: INSTRUCTOR II (Transcriber) (1 Position)

Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree in Special Education or equivalent from a recognised Institution.

Basic Duties
Transcribe reading material e.g. hand-outs, chapters, passages, books for  visual impaired students and to service Braille, and other audio-visual instruments used by visual impaired students.

Salary Scale: PUSS 6

Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Science/Engineering or its equivalent from a recognised Institution.

Duties and Responsibilities
Assist in planning and organization of practical for undergraduate students; plan and supervise maintenance of laboratory/workshop facilities; assist in research and consultancy activities.

Salary Scale: PUSS 6

Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Science/Engineering or its equivalent from a recognised Institution.

Duties and Responsibilities
Assist in planning and organization of practical for undergraduate students; plan and supervise maintenance of laboratory/workshop facilities; assist in research and consultancy activities.

Salary Scale: PUSS 6


Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Material Management, Supplies, Procurement or its equivalent from a recognized Institution. MUST POSSESS a CSP/CPSP/IPS and REGISTERED as APPROVED Supplies Officer or Stock Verifier by Procurement and Supplies Professional Board.

Basic Duties
Co-ordinate purchasing, stores, clearing and forwarding, inventories and supplies control services and implement policies pertaining to materials management.

Salary Scale: PGSS 14

20. POSITION: TECHNICIAN I (4 Positions)
Required qualifications
Full Technician Certificate (FTC) or Diploma in Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, NTA Level VI, Guilds I & II (CGLT), or Higher National Cert. (HNC) OR its Equivalent from a recognized Institution.

Basic Duties
To carry-out repair and maintenance of university facilities as per specialization.

Salary Scale: PGSS 6

1. Applicants should write the post applied on the envelope
2. For those who are employed, their application should be approved by their employer
3. Applications supported with detailed Curriculum Vitae, relevant copies of certificates i.e. Degree/Diploma certificates /testimonials, academic transcripts plus Secondary School Certificates; names and addresses of at least two referees (telephone, fax and email) should be submitted to:

P.O. BOX 259


For Applicants its important to download a reference form here

Thursday, February 13, 2014

LOVE: The Chemistry behind

Happy Valentin's day

See how Love Science works 

This Infographic Reveals the Secrets of the Happiest Couples

Credit: wavuti.com



Tanzania Revenue Authority would like to inform the general public that the ongoing shop closures is uncalled for and is highly regretted

Credit: wavuti.com

Sunday, February 9, 2014

HII NDO TRA BWANA:TRA hands over seized cargo to suspect dealers

In a rare show of scandalous dealings, the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has sold back to the owners a seized consignment of dry hides worth over $160m through a ‘well organized’ auction, The Guardian can reveal.

rished bade
TRA Acting Commissioner General, Rished Bade
While TRA was investigating SAK International, a company owned by a group of Pakistani nationals for involvement in the illegal exportation of the raw hides, the Pakistanis are said to have hoodwinked TRA to get back the goods through another company name.

Amaal Investment, the company that bought the hides at the auction on 24 January, this year is allegedly owned by one Amaal, daughter of Asim Mahmood, one of the SAK International directors.
The three containers weighing 80 tons of dry hides were worth some Sh160 million in November last year when they were detained at the port, but were subsequently sold off at Sh50 million during the auction. However, The Guardian has learnt that the buyers paid just half of that -- about Sh25 million.

The revenue body also contravened its own regulations by selling the goods to a company that did not meet those requirements.
Through a media advertisement on 20 January, this year, TRA laid five conditions for sale of the consignment. The first requirement reads, “ All bidders must be licensed by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development for export of hides, skins and leather for the year 2013/2014.”
The Guardian confirmed at the ministry that the said company is not licensed as indicated above; it only holds a business licence issued by the Ilala Municipal Council. “This licence does not allow them to export anything outside the country,” said our source who declined to be named.
The source further said that the company had applied for a licence from the ministry just last December – which hadn’t been   approved at the time of auction.

A lot of controversy has since clouded the disposal of the containers from the time they were seized in November last year. For s start, the owners of the goods still remain unknown, raising questions among various stakeholders.
But TRA acting Commissioner General Rished Bade said the Authority had directed the police to carry investigations into the saga in effort to reveal people behind apparent moves to evade tax.
This reporter reached him on phone because he had promised two weeks ago to give more clarification on the matter after getting a report -- which he had apparently ordered his subordinates to compile.

But this top man at TRA sounded aggrieved by this reporter’s efforts to follow-up the matter, and said he had not received the report yet.
 “The report isn’t ready yet … but as you know we have so many things to do … not just follow-ups on the hides issues,” he opined. Somewhat blaming this reporter for sticking “on just one issue every week.”

Mr Bide asked: “Do you have to write about TRA every week … more so on this issue of dry hides ... or is this the only thing you can do?”
It was at this point that this reporter pointed out that various stakeholders were dissatisfied with the way the matter had been handled.
When asked about the new developments of the company that bought the hides, he said he would direct the commissioner for customs and excise to do the necessary follow-up.

What actually transpired
On November 11, 2013 the customs department seized three containers of under-declared raw hides slated for export, which TRA then valued at $150,000, but the traders had indicated they were worth just $84,000.
Several weeks after the seizure, customs and excise deputy commissioner Patrick Kisaka told this reporter that the authority had failed to identify the owners of the seized containers, and that the authority would auction the goods.

Kisaka also said the raw hides worth Sh163.5m (about $1,000,000) were then being held at the customs warehouse awaiting public auction any time last month.
However, this paper learnt that SAK International Limited, the company under investigation for evading tax in the exportation of the said hides, had then offered the highest bid at auction.
Our investigations earlier revealed that SAK directors had flown to Pakistan just days after the goods were detained by the customs officials last November.

But on December 22, last year, they sent one of their young brothers back to Tanzania to buy the goods.
During inspections before the auction, TRA official Manjale Masare who supervised the exercise publicly announced that SAK International or its affiliates would not be allowed to participate in the auction -- because the company was under investigation.

“SAK International and its partners are automatically disqualified in this process … the investigation is still underway,” he said, adding that allowing them to do so would contravene ethics. But it soon emerged that after coming back into the country, the SAK International official -- through an offer of Sh900 apiece – was declared the highest bidder.
After pressure and complains from other stakeholders, TRA changed course, saying it wouldn’t sell the goods to the highest bidder -- the company under investigation in this case – which prompted several meetings among stakeholders.

During a meeting on December 31, last year, representatives from the Tanzania Tanners Association (TTA), TRA and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, agreed that the confiscated hides be donated to the prisons department.

This decision was later overruled by acting Commissioner General Rished Bade, who told The Guardian thus: “I stopped the process after realizing that some people with ill intentions wanted to take the hides away from the prisons department.”

Unanswered questions
Three months after the seizure, the people behind the consignment still remain unknown -- neither is the clearing agent who handled the consignment held responsible, nor has the shipping line, Maersk, which leased the containers to the exporters, come out to throw some light over the saga – even though its containers were used in the process.

Friday, February 7, 2014


IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, signed two grant agreements, with a combined value of $3.9 million, with the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture to expand index-based insurance to small-scale farmers in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. Index-based weather insurance can protect against the adverse effects of climate change and help to strengthen food security in rural communities.

The grants were issued by the Global Index Insurance Facility, a multi-donor trust fund financed by the European Union, Japan and the Netherlands and implemented by IFC and the World Bank. It is estimated that the project will bring index insurance to approximately one million small-scale farmers within two years.

At a signing ceremony in Nairobi, smallholder farmer Reuben Biwot from Kitale, Kenya, said, “The insurance has given me confidence. It has transformed my attitude from subsistence farming to farming as a business. I am free from the fear of failure.”
Reuben Biwot is one of 187,000 small-scale farmers in East Africa already benefiting from index insurance provided by the Syngenta Foundation’s agricultural index insurance initiative, Kilimo Salama.
Marco Ferroni, Executive Director of the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, said “The support from IFC and the EU has been instrumental in the expansion of our index insurance program. This year, our team aims to reach over 600,000 farmers, expanding the program to cover Tanzania as well.”

Much of the agricultural land in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania is rain fed and certain regions are vulnerable to drought and erratic rain. Many smallholder farmers limit their losses to extreme weather by making minimal investments into their land, leading to reduced yields and continued food insecurity.
Traditional indemnity-based agricultural insurance has seen little success due to high transaction costs and premiums. Index-based insurance, which pays out benefits on the basis of weather data without costly field verification of losses, is a more efficient risk management tool.

David Crush, IFC Manager for Access to Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa, said, “Index insurance helps to strengthen the livelihoods of small-scale farmers, which is one of the most important tasks in the quest to fight poverty and foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Africa and elsewhere.

A non-profit organization based in Switzerland, the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture’s mission is to create value for resource-poor small farmers in developing countries through innovation in sustainable agriculture and the activation of value chains. The SFSA’s two-pronged approach to improve livelihoods is raising agricultural productivity and linking farmers to markets.

Source: IFCEU and Syngenta Foundation to Expand Weather Insurance to One Million East African Farmers

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I have always searched for a technology or a calculator to see how someone can estimate his or her life expectancy.
I finally found one calculator with some good parameters. 
Funny is it!!!
Your Virtual Age shown by the Age Calculator is a reflection of your health and vitality.
The lower the Age Calculator shows your age to be the better shape you are in.
Whether or not you are in a weight loss or diet plan, it can be used to
 calculate the Life Expectancy of someone of your current physical age.

click here to enjoy your's or someone else's life expectancy

SACGOT corridor anchors 110 million Euro agricultural investment project in tea

From left to right: Juliet Kairuki, CEO, Tanzania Investment Centre, Peniel Lyimo, Deputy CEO, Presidential Delivery Bureau, Mrs Sophia Kaduma, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture; Hon. Chiza, Minister of Agriculture United Republic of Tanzania, Pierre Luigi Sigismund, Board Member and Head of Global Supply Chain Unilever; Dr Ramadhaan Mwinjika, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Transport; Ambassador Modest Mero, Permanent Representative of the Government of Tanzania to the United Nationsin Geneva. 
By A Correspondent,
Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) has confirmed that 2014 has kicked to a positive start with respect to investment in the agriculture sector in Tanzania.
As signal of their strong confidence in the Tanzanian investment climate and the country's future economic prospects, Unilever has chosen the SACGOT corridor to expand its tea project.

The planned investment will triple Unilever’s production of tea from smallholders through outgrowers schemes. This will not only generate significant export revenue (projected at 110 million Euro), it will also position Tanzanian Tea as an original tea of international repute. 
As a partner of Tanzania’s SAGCOT initiative, Unilever has expressed its full commitment to ensure that it’s investment also addresses social economic and environmental goals.

Smallholders will be accredited according to the rain forest alliance certification. The investment will catalyze significant socio-economic development in the Iringa and Njombe regions by creating 10,000 more jobs, enhancing the livelihoods of another 2000-3000 tea small holders, and in total, touching the lives of an estimated 50,000 people.

At the recent World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Mr Pierre Luigi, Board member of Unilever, met with the Minister of Agriculture, Honourable Chiza and the team that played a key role in supporting Unilever with the development of the project and reiterated Unilever's commitment to investing in Tanzania. 

Mrs Sophia Kaduma, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, advised that Unilever has signed an MOU with the Ministry, the Tanzania Tea Board and the Tanzania Smallholder Tea Development Agency, to progress the development of the project in line with the social and economic aspirations of the Government of Tanzania.

TIC, Executive Director, Mrs. Juliet Kairuki, confirmed that Unilever had applied and was granted NationalStrategic Investor Status in December 2013 at a National Investment Steering Committee (NISC) meeting convened by the Honourable Prime Minister, Hon. Mizengo Peter Pinda in Dodoma.

Unilever is a leading global supplier of fast moving consumer goods with operations in 100 countries and sales in 190 countries. It directly employs 30,000 people and has a turnover of 3.5 billion Euros. Africa remains at the heart of their global business strategy.

Monday, February 3, 2014


It has always been said by many researchers that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role in agricultural value chains, with different types of ICT having different strengths and weaknesses when applied to particular interventions. The impacts of ICT are diverse, and they influence market competitiveness in different ways. However, technology should not overshadow the people and institutions involved. While the positive impacts of ICT are being catalogued and discussed, many rural farmers still do not have access to or the capacity to use ICT.
It is clear the impact of ICT in Agriculture Value Chains is diverse, and influences the market competitiveness in different ways. Given the importance of context and the rapid development technology, it can be difficult to determine whether the appropriate tool now will persist in being the appropriate tool in the future.
In this section, you can find a wide range of materials that look at key opportunities and challenges of ICT interventions in the agricultural value chain with a special focus on the most beneficial interventions in rural areas.
Visit a link from kenankalagho.blogspot.co


Report from US Agency for International Development — Bed nets are nothing new in international development, but a leading company in mosquito netting has turned its attention – and its nets – toward improving agriculture.

Under Feed the Future, a collaborative research project has brought together A to Z Textile Mills in Tanzania with agricultural researchers to test the utility of its nets for growing fruits and vegetables.

The project is funded through the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Horticulture, with researchers from Michigan State University, CIRAD of France, Egerton University in Kenya, Abomey-Calavi University in Benin, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and the National Agricultural Research Institute in Benin (INRAB).

Through field trials, this team is fine-tuning how smallholder farmers can use the nets to mitigate damage from insect pests and improve micro-climates in vegetable plots. Similar to its long-lasting insecticidal bed nets, A to Z’s “AgroNets” were developed both with and without chemical treatments to evaluate which kinds of nets best protect different crops. The nets can also be re-used for multiple growing seasons.

“This technology is, for the first time, adapted to smallholder farmers and available in Africa because of the mosquito net industry,” says Thibaud Martin, a CIRAD scientist based in Kenya. “This technology is truly an effective alternative to chemical use.”

With the intention of eventually selling nets to farmers commercially, A to Z donated nets and supplied their transport for the purposes of the research project, delivering 1.5 tons of netting to Benin, Kenya and CIRAD partners in just the first six months.

“Partnership with A to Z was critical to the success of this project,” says Mathieu Ngouajio, professor at Michigan State University and a leader of the Horticulture Innovation Lab project. “They have made all the fine-tuning that we needed on the nets and supplied our team with the material for field studies. Without that type of support, it would have been impossible to achieve our project goals.”

After two years of research, results in Kenya show the nets can indeed reduce pests and increase yields in tomato, cabbage, kale, onion, French bean, melon and carrot crops. Farmers have also tried the nets with other crops such as sweet peppers, amaranth, spider plant and strawberries.

“Use of AgroNets on cabbages, tomatoes (both field and nursery), French beans and melons is not only efficacious against pests, but also offers great business potential for A to Z,” says Hubert Coffi, agronomist with A to Z’s research unit, the Africa Technical Research Center.

In Benin, adoption of the nets by farmers has been particularly high. More than 75 percent of farmers who participated in the trials adopted the nets for use with nursery production.

Since the project started, the team has received additional funding from CIRAD, INRAB, Ecohort, Katarina University, SupAgro Foundation and the French embassies in Benin and Kenya.

“Moving toward agriculture is for us a key strategic pillar for the coming years because it will help us to expand and diversify our operations and revenue stream while creating more jobs,” says Dr. Johnson Odera, director of the Africa Technical Research Center. “We still believe in the future of agriculture in Africa, and we want to be part of this success story.”

The Horticulture Innovation Lab, funded by USAID under Feed the Future and led by the University of California, Davis, builds international partnerships for fruit and vegetable research to improve livelihoods in developing countries.