Monday, June 30, 2014

Waajiri walioshindwa kuwasilisha taarifa za Wahitimu wanaodaiwa na Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu (HESLB) Kikaangoni

Mkurugenzi Msaidizi Urejeshaji Mikopo kutoka Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu Bw. Robert Kibona akitoa mada wakati wa mkutano mkuu wa mwaka wa Wakurugenzi wa Utawala na Rasilimaliwatu Serikalini mjini Dodoma

Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu nchini imepanga kuwachukulia hatua waajiri wote nchini kwa kushindwa kuwasilisha taarifa za wahitimu wa elimu ya juu wanaodaiwa na Bodi hiyo.

Hayo yalisemwa na Mkurugenzi Msaidizi Urejeshaji Mikopo kutoka Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu Bw. Robert Kibona alipokuwa akitoa mada kuhusu urejeshwaji wa mikopo ya elimu ya juu kwenye mkutano mkuu wa mwaka wa Wakurugenzi wa Utawala na Rasilimali watu Serikali ni mjini Dodoma jana.
“Mpaka sasa tumewachukulia hatua jumla ya waajiri watano ambao wameshindwa kuwasilisha taarifa za watumishi wao wanaodaiwa na Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu”  alisema Bw. Robert.

Alisema, mwajiria atakayeshindwa kutoa taarifa za wahitimu wa elimu ya juu katika Bodi kwawakati atatakiwa kulipa faini ya shilingi milioni saba au kutumikia kifungo kisichopungua miezi 12 au vyote kwa pamoja.

Aidha, Bw. Robert alisema kuwa mpaka sasa takribani waajiriwa18 wamefikishwa mahakamani kwa kosa la kushindwa kurejesha mikopo hiyo.

Bw. Robert alifafanua kuwa ilikufanikisha zoezi la urejeshaji mikopo kutoka kwa wadaiwa, Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu inatunga sheria na mifumo mbalimbali ya kuwadhibiti wadaiwa hao.
“Tunatengeneza sheria ambazo zitawazuia wadaiwa wa mikopo ya elimu ya juu kupata hati ya kusafiria nje ya nchi au kibali cha kusafiri hadi atakapowasilia na na Bodi.”
Pia, alisema mhitimu atakayeshindwa kulipa mkopo taarifa zake zitatangazwa kwenye vyombo vya habari na kwenye taasisi za mikopo iliasipate huduma yoyote ya kifedha.

Naye, Msaidizi wa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu Dk. Veronica Nyahende amewataka wahitimu wa elimu ya juu nchini kutumia elimu waliyonayo kujiajiri wenyewe badala ya kusubiri kuajiriwa.
Alisema changamoto ya kurejesha mikopo ni kubwa kwa upande wa wahitimu wa elimu ya juu ambao hawana kazi ama hawajajiajiri.
“Changamoto iliyopo niwahitimu kushindwa kulipa mikopo hiyo kutokana na kuwa na kipato cha chini ama kukosa ajira.”
Alisema Bodi imeingia mkataba nakampuni zitakazokusanya mikopo kwa walionufaika na mikopo hiyo nakushindwa kuilipa.
Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu iko katika mchakato wa kuelimisha umma na watendaji wakuu Serikalini ili kuhakikisha wanawasilisha taarifa za watumishi wao wanaodaiwa mikopo hiyo.

Tanzanian graduates with unpaid HESLB loans to be denied 'visas'

Graduates from higher learning education institutions who have not repaid their higher education loans will no longer get permits to travel outside Tanzania until they clear their debts.

The plan is to implement in joint efforts between the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Immigration Department.

Deputy Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Jenister Mhagama, told the House:
“We will not issue visas to graduates who have acquired loans from the Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB) and not settled the debts.
“We are ready to bring to parliament a list of our plans to recover the loans…and we are determined to get the money back so that it may be used to educate other students.”
She also said that ongoing issuance of national IDs will help HESLB track the defaulters. 

She said the government is considering re-introduction the bond program that was in use in the early 1970s when the government used to sign special bonds with students to ensure that they work in the country for a specific period of time as repayment of their loans before they would be allowed to travel abroad for work.

The Deputy Minister was responding to a question by Namelock Sokoine (CCM-Special Seats) which was asked on her behalf by Betty Machangu (also CCM- Special Seats). 

In her main question, Sokoine wanted to know whether the government had any plans to ensure that graduate teachers who have benefited from education loans do not leave the country without paying them back.

In a supplementary question, Machangu expressed concerns over HESLB’s failure to recover loans from graduates and inquired as to what plans the board has to do so efficiently.

In a related development, Mhagama said a total of 89,500 secondary school teachers are required in the country, but there are only 74,250 of them and to bridge this gap, the government is prioritizing loans to students seeking to become teachers.

Monday, June 16, 2014


ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization, is recruiting for an anticipated multi-million dollar USAID-funded project that will support the growth of Tanzania’s agro-processing industry, primarily in the maize, rice and oilseed sectors. The project will also seek to dramatically increase the supply the demand for high quality nutritious and fortified food among vulnerable populations.  ACDI/VOCA is seeking highly qualified candidates for the following senior-level technical positions:
·         Business and Market Development Director: Demonstrated management consulting experience in the agribusiness sector. Previous experience in supply chain management, market development (including marketing), and strategic planning.  Thorough understanding of food processing and agriculture.
·         Finance & Investment Director: Financial planning and intermediation experience with medium scale enterprises in the agro-processing sector. Previous experience working with commercial banks, investment funds, and multilateral financing institutions to facilitate agriculture finance.
·         Food Technology Director:Previous experience in medium to large scale rice, oilseed, maize processing.This could include design of facilities, new product development, and plant expansion and upgrading.Must be familiar with establishing and maintaining HACCP systems.
·         Nutrition and Behavioral Change Director:Experience in social marketing, behavioral change communications and social mobilization. Must have experience implementing nutritional approaches in rural and remote settings.
At least 7 years of relevant experience and an Advanced degree are required for all senior-level technical positions.

ACDI/VOCA is also recruiting for an anticipated multi-million dollar USAID funded-project that will spur the growth and competitiveness of Tanzania’s horticulture industry. The project will increase incomes for smallholder farmers through enhanced productivity, investment and improved market systems. ACDI/VOCA is seeking highly qualified candidates for the following senior-level technical positions:
·         Production Director: Demonstrated experience in commercial horticulture production, knowledge of advanced technologies and international and regional market quality and traceability standards.  Previous experience developing out-grower schemes and organizing smallholder producers in partnership with commercial buyers.  
·         Business Development Director:Significant business consulting experience in the horticulture sector, including previous experience developing local, regional and international market linkages.  Expertise in supply chain management, structuring of commercial partnerships, and thorough understanding of horticulture sector required.
·         Finance & Investment Director:Expertise in financial planning and intermediation experience with medium scale enterprises in the horticulture sector. Previous experience working with commercial banks, investment funds, and multilateral financing institutions to facilitate agriculture finance.
·         Health & Nutrition Director:Previous experience working with rural communities and vulnerable groups (including women, youth, and people affected by HIV/AIDS) to improve household nutrition, diversify incomes, and improve health.
At least 7 years of relevant experience and an Advanced degree are required for all senior-level technical positions.

ACDI/VOCA is also recruiting for multiple candidates the following senior-level operational management positions on both anticipated projects.
·         Deputy Chief of Party:Demonstrated success in implementing donor-funded programs focused on the development of the agriculture, horticultural, or related sectors. 5+ years of experience overseeing compliant implementation of USAID-funded projects. Proven personnel management and representation skills. 10+ years of relevant program management experience and an Advanced degree are required.
·         M&E Director:Demonstrated success designing and overseeing project monitoring and evaluation for large-scale international projects. Knowledge of and experience with USAID rules, regulations, and reporting requirements. 7+ years of relevant M&E experience and an Advanced degree in a relevant field are required.
·         Partnerships & Grants Director:Significant experience managing the distribution and tracking of grants on large-scale donor-funded projects. Demonstrated knowledge of USAID financial and management systems, regulations and reporting requirements. Experience working with grantees and partners to build their management capacity. 7+ years of grants management experience and an Advanced degree in a relevant field are required.

Professional fluency in English, written and spoken, is required for all positions.

To be considered for this recruitment, please submit your CV and any supporting application documents to All applications must be received in English. Please include the title of the desired position in the email subject line. No phone calls please. Only finalists contacted. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. EOE.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Wizara ya mambo ya ndani Idara ya uhamiaji mwezi march ilitangaza ajira 70 za Mkaguzi Msaidizi wa Uhamiaji. Nafasi hizo zilitangazwa katika magazeti na Tovuti ya Wizara na Idara ya Uhamiaji kufuatana na taratibu Serikali zinazosimamia ujazaji wa nafasi za kazi katika utumishi wa umma kwa lengo la kuiweka wazi kwa umma wa Watanzania na matokeo yake wahitimu zaidi ya 20,000 walituma maombi ya kazi hizo.
Kufuatana na wingi wa waombaji, Wizara ilifanya zoezi la mchujo wa awali ambao hatimaye ulibakiza kiasi cha maombi 10,000 yenye waombaji wenye sifa zinazohitajika.
Kutokana na uwingi wa wasailiwa wenye sifa ambao walipita kwenye mchujowa kwanza usahili huo ilibidi ufanyikie kwenye uwanja wa taifa. katika maana hiyo wasailiwa 9930 walikuwa ni wasindikizaji wa wenzao 70 wanaotarajiwa kupata ajira hizo. kuna mawswali mengi kwa serikali, Shule, Vyuo vikuu, wahitimu na wanafunzi pia

Maswali machache kati ya hayo ni;

Je, kwa ukweli huu ajira si janga?
Kama watanzania tunalitatuaje janga hili kwa mstakabali wa ustawi wetu?
Je, wahitimu wanapewa mafunzo ya kukabili janga kama hili?
Wahitim ambao wanafikiria kuajiriwa na serikali, mashirika na makampuni binafsi wafanyaje? mengine mengi................................?

Maandalizi ya usaili katika uwanja wa taifa

Wasailiwa wakirusha turufu zao

Hiii imevunja record jamani

habari zaidi bofya hapa

Monday, June 9, 2014


Sokoine University of Agriculture wishes to inform the following candidates who applied for various positions in different departments to appear for interviews to be held on the dates and time stated below. Apart from appearing before an Interview panel, the interview shall also include a Public Presentation in the area/discipline of specialization one has applied and a written Language English Proficiency Test