Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma inapenda kuwataarifu waombaji kazi wa nafasi mbalimbali waliofanya usaili kuanzia tarehe 08 Julai hadi 09 Agosti, 2014 kuwa walioorodheshwa katika tangazo hili wamefaulu usaili na wanatakiwa kuripoti kwa Mwajiri kama ilivyoonyeshwa katika tangazo hili. Orodha hii pia inajumuisha baadhi ya wasailiwa waliokuwa kwenye Kanzidata(Data Base) ambao walifaulu usaili lakini  hawakuwa wamepangiwa vituo vya kazi kutokana na nafasi kuwa chache hapo awali. Aidha, wanatakiwa kuripoti katika vituo vyao vipya vya kazi katika muda ambao umeainishwa katika barua zao za kupangiwa vituo vya kazi wakiwa na vyeti halisi (Originals Certificates) vya masomo kuanzia kidato cha nne na kuendelea ili vihakikiwe na mwajiri kabla ya kupewa barua ya ajira. 

Kwa Waombaji Kazi walioitwa katika Taasisi ya Wakala wa Huduma za Misitu Tanzania (TFSA) wote kwa pamoja wanatakiwa kuripoti Ofisi za Makao Makuu zilizoko Barabara ya Nyerere, (Mpingo House), tarehe 08/09/2014 Saa 2:00 Asubuhi.2 Barua za kuwapangia vituo vya kazi zimetumwa kupitia anuani zao. Aidha, wale ambao majina yao hayakuonekana katika tangazo hili watambue kuwa hawakupata nafasi/hawakufaulu usaili, hivyo wasisite  kuomba mara nafasi za kazi zitakapotangazwa tena.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Call to loan applicants for missing information [HESLB]



During the verification exercise of the 2014/2015 loan application forms, the Board has come across loan applications which are incomplete or are missing some vital information for further loans processing. For that reason, the Board would like to inform concerned Loan applicants that such incomplete applications will not be processed until the missing information is provided. 

Therefore, loan applicants and/or guarantors who have not signed their documents are required to come physically at HESLB offices on Plot No. 8, Block No. 46 Sam Nujoma Road, Mwenge- Dar es Salaam for correction of their loan applications.

Applicants who have not attached (to their application forms) birth certificates, guarantor’s particulars such 
as photocopy of Passport or voter’s registration card or passport size photograph should send the missing documents to the Board with a covering letter indicating their full names and form four index numbers through the following address:

The Executive Director,
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board,
P. O. Box 76068,

Please note that, the deadline for correction of the shortcomings is 10th September 2014. All attachments must be certified by a Commissioner of Oaths.

*The list of loan applicants who are required to correct their loan applications can be viewedBELOW:
NB:The Board cautions loan applicants to be careful with some unscrupulous individuals who might take advantage of this opportunity to make financial demands. 
Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'A' or Letter 'B'

Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'C' or Letter 'D' or Letter 'E' 

Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'F' or Letter 'G' or Letter 'H'

Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'I' or Letter 'J' or Letter 'K'

Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'L' or Letter 'M'

Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'N' or Letter 'R'

Applicants whose First Name Begin withLetter 'S' or Letter 'Z'

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Call for Applications for 2015 AWARD Fellowships

AWARD is a career-development program that equips top women agricultural scientists across sub-Saharan Africa to accelerate agricultural gains by strengthening their research and leadership skills, through tailored fellowships.
Women agricultural scientists who are citizens of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, or Zambia, who have completed a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in one of the agriculture-related disciplines listed, or other related fields, are eligible to apply. Applicants must be resident in Africa throughout the fellowship period.

Deadline: August 8, 2014. 
Winners will be selected and informed in December, and the program will begin in February/March 2015.


Kumb. Na EA.7/96/01/G/50 1 Agosti, 2014

Sekretariati ya Ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma ni chombo ambacho kimeundwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Utumishi wa Umma Na. 8 ya mwaka 2002 kama ilivyorekebishwa na Sheria Na. 18 ya mwaka 2007 kifungu 29(1). Kwa mujibu wa Sheria hiyo, chombo hiki, pamoja na kazi zingine kimepewa jukumu la kutangaza nafasi wazi za kazi zinazotokea katika Utumishi wa Umma kwa niaba ya Waajiri (Taasisi za Umma). 
Katibu wa Sekretarieti ya Ajira Katika Utumishi wa Umma anakaribisha maombi kwa Watanzania wenye sifa na uwezo wa kujaza nafasi 145 za kazi kwa ajili ya Wizara, Idara zinazojitegemea,Wakala,Taasisi za umma na Mamlaka ya Serikali za Mitaa kama zilivyorodheshwa katika tangazo hili.

i. Waombaji wote wawe ni Raia wa Tanzania na wenye umri usiozidi miaka 45
ii. Waombaji wote waambatishe cheti cha kuzaliwa.
iii. Waombaji ambao tayari ni watumishi wa Umma na wamejipatia sifa za
kuingilia katika kada tofauti na walizonazo, wapitishe barua zao za maombi ya
nafasi za kazi kwa waajiri wao na Waajiri wajiridhishe ipasavyo.
iv. Nafasi ya kazi inayoombwa iandikwe juu ya bahasha, kutozingatiwa hili
kutasababisha maombi ya kazi kuwa batili.
v. Waombaji waambatishe maelezo binafsi yanayojitosheleza (Detailed C.V) yenye
anwani na namba za simu za kuaminika pamoja na majina ya wadhamini (referees)
watatu wa kuaminika.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

[VIDEO] The difference between CONFIDENCE and ARROGANCE

In the video embed below, Aaron from I Am Alpha M describes the difference between 'confidence' which can take you a long way for it seeks to lift others up from a place of satisfaction with yourself and 'arrogance' which will take you nowhere as it seeks to diminish others because of insecurity.

It may seem obvious at the outset, but it's often the most arrogant people who defend themselves by saying they're just more self-confident than others. 

Much like the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness and compassion versus niceness, confidence is internal, and arrogance is external. 

Aaron explains that confidence is something in you, a belief in your skills and abilities, and a trust in yourself. Arrogance on the other hand rears its ugly head when people try to diminish the skills and abilities of others, usually to convince the world of their own status and push others into the background.