Friday, May 2, 2014

ASARECA Call for concept notes 2014

ASARECA first Call for Concept Notes 2014

The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) has received grant funds from several development partners including: European Union and USAID East Africa, through the World Bank managed multi-donor trust fund; Swedish International Development Agency and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. ASARECA intends to use these funds to implement integrated regional agricultural research and development projects.

ASARECA, therefore, is pleased to issue its first call for concept notes in 2014, for regional research projects under the following proposed titles: 

Research Call Ref:
Proposed Project Title
Sustainable Agricultural Water Productivity Enhancement For Improved Food Security And Nutrition In Eastern And Central Africa
Facilitating Implementation Of Policies To Enhance Equitable Access To Input And Output Markets In Eastern And Central Africa

Enhancing Capacities In Price Forecasting And Input And Output Markets Price Policy Analysis.
Enhancing Participation Of Small And Medium Enterprise Actors In The Higher End Of Value Chains In Eastern And Central Africa 
Developing And Upscaling Technologies And Innovations For Management Of Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease In Eastern And Central Africa
Development of Smallholder Wheat Production Systems And Value Chains In Eastern And Central Africa

Crop-Livestock-Fish Integration To Enhance Food Security, Nutrition And Resilience of Smallholder Farms In Eastern And Central Africa

Capacity Development For Sustainable Plant Genetic Resources (PGRS) Utilization And Conservation In Eastern And Central Africa
Strengthening Fruits And Vegetables Value Chains For Improved Production, Processing, Marketing And Nutrition Security In Eastern And Central Africa
This Call is open to applications from national public and private sector entities (such as National Agricultural Research Institutes, Universities, farmer organizations, agribusiness enterprises, NGOs, etc) operating in any of the 11 ASARECA member countries of Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. While the lead entities must be national organizations from within the ASARECA countries, they may seek, and are encouraged, to include other national, regional and/or international organizations, from within the eastern and central Africa region, as partners in the proposed projects.
Successful concept notes will be followed by invitations for proposals.
Deadline for receipt of Concept Notes is 13th May 2014.
Further details about this Call for Concept Notes are available here

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