Thursday, February 12, 2015

PhD Training Opportunities under the RUFORUM

PhD Training Opportunities under the RUFORUM - Graduate Teaching Assistantship Program

Online Application Now Open!!!
Over the years, universities in Africa have sought opportunities to send their staff for post-graduate training abroad in a bid to strengthen research and training, at very high costs. The loss of faculty for 4 to 5 years has negatively affected universities.  In order to meet the growing demand for Doctoral level scientists in Africa, the Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) programme was initiated by RUFORUM Vice Chancellors to improve the quality of higher education at African Universities by increasing the proportion of academic staff with PhD qualifications, contributing to locally relevant research and reducing the time away from the home institution.
The initiative was officially launched by the African Union Commissioner for Human Resource, Science and Technology, H.E. Dr Martial De Paul Ikounga on 25th July 2014 at Maputo, Mozambique during the RUFORUM Fourth Biennial Conference. Click here to download full call.

To apply for the Graduate teaching Assistantship online. Carefully follow the
instructions below:

  1. Visit the RUFORUM Information Management System and create an account. The link is:
  2. You will then click to apply for a scholarship
  3. Ensure you pick the correct scholarship call ID which is: GTA  2014
  4. In the employment history ( professional responsibilities section)  of the online form give information on your teaching experience and list the courses that you have taught
  5. The name of the university on the online form refers to the university that you are applying to (host university)
  6. In the reference section ensure that you also upload the letter of nomination from your university. This letter of nomination must include information on the following;
  • Number of years of service at the sending university
  • Confirmation of support for travel, stipend, medical insurance, research funds
On the online form you can ignore the following questions
  • Tuition component within the  funding question
  • Other attachments to be uploaded on the online form include:
  • Degree Certificates
  • Reference letters
  • Research concept note
  • Birth certificate

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