Saturday, February 7, 2015


River Ngerengere:  Is found in Morogoro region of Tanzania. The river begins at the top of Uluguru Mountain, in the village of NgerengereNgerengere River joins other rivers such as
Mzinga, Madaganya rivers. The Ngerengere pours its water in the Mindu dam. The River has a length of 98 kilometers from its source to  Ruvu River at Pwani region where they intercept.

Bwawa la Mindu: kwa mbali ni milima uluguru ambapo ndipo chanzo cha mto ngerengere kinapo anzia
 Characteristic of Ngerengere River 
  1. It’s so long and Wide River.
  2. The big number of people depends on it for different agriculture activities and domestic use.
  3. It’s the biggest river in Morogoro region.
  4. This river does not get dry at all but it’s going water reduce.

Ngerengere river is blessed with many things in it, like animals species such as
  •   Fish ,Various fish species such as crabs, catfish, tilapia, seafood.
  •  Crocodile
  •  Turtle

Seasons of  River Ngerengere.

  1. Ngerengere River appears full or reduced its water depending on the seasons of rainfall.
  2. Usually this river is full of water on April up to May month period from the early rain and decreases its water in September up October.

Activities undertaken by relying to river Ngerengere

Many activities are undertaken by the people surrounding areas depending on the river. Such activities are like:-
Residents of neighboring areas of river use river water for irrigation in agriculture activities of vegetables such as;
·        Spinach

·        Tomatoes

·        Okra

·        Matembele (Sweet Potato leaves)

Other Activities which are take place in River Ngerengere,
  •  Fishing
  • domestic use,
  • livestock watering  
Challenges facing Ngerengere River.

  • Through this river, people are facing different challenges which are caused by dangerous animals like crocodiles that are found inside the river.
  • During high rainfall season, floods occur and destruct people settlements. This flood also leads to the destruction of infrastructures like road across the river, for example last year at Mazimbu, the road was highly destroyed by the water which settled on the road, for a number of days.
  • Some of the people depends on this river for irrigation, so when it dries they face difficulties in conducting their cultivation activities .this cause hunger to people living across the river because through cultivation their obtain the income through selling vegetable and also food.
  • Destruction of the physical appearance the river due to activities like cultivation, fishing which are done depending on this river.

Watch this video clip

click here to listen the audio about river ngerengere


That above its how we done our assignment through a research of river ngerengere, in our research we discover that this  river is so important to the people surrounding river in their
different activities.

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