Saturday, February 7, 2015


Sokoine University of Agriculture is a university which is located in Morogoro municipality, the university has two campuses namely, the Main Campus within Morogoro municipality; Slomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC) in Morogoro municipality.

Solomon Mahalangu

is one among the campuses of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) situated in Morogoro Municipality. It is a campus of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) that provides different courses to students, such as Information Technology, Food science, BSc. Degrees in Environmental Sciences and Management, Education , Informatics, Agricultural economics and Agribusiness, Range Management, Applied Extension Education, Bachelor of Rural Development and Bachelor of Tourism Management.

In order to perfome all those programs, Sokoine university of  Agriculture has got classes where students can sit and learn well. SMC compus has a different kind of classes for the students to learns.


At SMC Campus there are many and different classroom for learning purpose. There are classrooms that can accommodate few students and those that can accommodate bigger number of students. Those classrooms that can accommodate bigger number  of students are also known as lecture hall and those classrooms that accommodate few number of students are normally small in size. Examples of those classrooms that are found in SMC are like computer labs which are used for IT lessons in school and science laboratories for biology, chemistry, and physics. These includes 28 classrooms, 4 lecture halls, 3 computer rooms, 6 laboratories, a library and an auditorium known as “the Nelson Mandela Freedom Square (DOME)’’.
Most classrooms have a large writing surface where the instructor or students can share notes with other members of the class, also many classroom have whiteboards and even projectors for presenting information and images from a computer.

The following are the details and structure of the classrooms at smc campus;

Lecture hall or classrooms;
    These are large classrooms that can take bigger number of students at a time and the large classroom have class whiteboards and even projectors  and mike for presenting information and images from a computer and have large windows. Examples of that classrooms are  SL T 1,2,3 ,4,5 and 6, SK 1,2,3, SI 1,2,3 SJ 1,2 and SL 1,2,3.
    The layout, design of the classrooms, class windows faces west and east, where the boards faces north and others faces south. Desks are arranged in columns and rows with a teacher’s desk at the front, where he or she would stand and lecture the class. Some classroom, the desks are arranged  in 2 columns and others arranged in 3 columns .Also chairs in each classrooms are fixed so that you cannot remove that chairs to another place . 

    large classroom

    • Small classrooms;
    These are small classrooms that can take few number of students at a time and these small classrooms has got whiteboards and blackboards and they contain large windows. Examples of that classrooms are  SH 1,2,3,4, SD 1,2,3 and 4 and 3 SC 1,2,3 and 4.
    The layout, design of the classrooms, class windows faces west and east, where the boards faces north and others faces south. Desks are arranged in columns and rows with a teacher’s desk at the front, where he or she would stand and lecture the class. Some classroom, the desks are arranged  in 2 columns and others arranged in 3 columns .Also chairs in each classrooms are fixed so that you can not remove that chairs to another place . 

    • Computer rooms;
    These are not that large classroom; they cannot hold a huge number of students at a time, example, SLGB 3, computer center and SGBL 2.
    The layout, design of the computer labs, class windows faces west and east, where the boards faces north and others faces south. Desks are arranged in columns and rows with a teacher’s desk at the front, where he or she would stand and lecture the class. At computer rooms desks are arranged in 4 columns and some in circle format.

    computer lab

    • Science laboratories;
     They are also not that big class, such as allow few students to take a practical after another.
     The layout, design of science laboratories, tables are arranged looking each other, and mostly in this part they do not sit, they perfume their practical while standing, they contain large windows faces west and east, and also contain outdoors, also they have large tables consist of equipment for practical.

    science laboratory 

    • Libraries;
    The Library (formerly used by the ANC) has been extended by constructing a new building near the old one to increase sitting space and other facilities. This has been necessary following the expansion of enrolment in the existing degree programs, and the launch of new degree programs.

    outside the library

    In the library the books are arranged properly so that when students come  to find materials for learning they can easily get those materials because they arranged properly.

    books arranged well inside the library

    In the library sits are arranged well for students to read those materials in well organized.

    where students sit and reads the books

    • Freedom Square (DOME)’
    This is a hall where many ceremonies take place there, The University holds its graduation ceremonies at the DOME every year. Also this is where the final university exam (UE) take place. In here there are not desks but there are chairs and tables where are kept randomly except at the UE Exams is when chairs and tables are arranged in proper way for students to sit for their exams.

    freedom square where students sit for exams and all ceremonies

    Challenges faced at SMC;
    Many classes at SMC are bored during the evening time because they do not contain fans, or air conditions (ACs) so it’s difficult to study because the hot is too much inside classrooms that can cause uncomfortable to students while learning.

    The Future of SMC.
    SMC will continue to be a Freedom college where students will continue to learn how to fight and win freedom from ignorance, poverty and diseases by effectively utilizing the Academic facilities, the farm and the hospital. SMC will continue to be a symbol of Solidarity between the people of the Republic of South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania and to all the people who showed solidarity to the South African Freedom, some of whom are laid to rest at the Memorial grave yard at SMC, “The Heroes Acre”.
    With increase in the number of students and degree programs, SMC is looking into the possibility of transforming it into a University Collage of Sokoine University of Agriculture. With such expansion, it is anticipated to devote itself full to offering education based programs; among other mandates with the aim of bridging a big gap in Science based teachers in the country.

    The following video shows the computer lab how it is, watch for this video below;


    please listen this students when they sing the national song of Tanzania, it is nice, listen below here;

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Good familiarization you provided to us we are still here at main campus and am sure some of will finish third year,fourth or fifth year without reaching to your venues thank for it we learned something from you guys.