Saturday, February 7, 2015


Transportation is the movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another. Transportation can be in the following modes, air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space. The major mode of transportation that take place at SUA especially main campus is road transportation, using cars like Town hiace, taxi.  Motor cycles (boda boda) are also highly used as another way of transportation for both students and normal citizens who reside near the campus.  There have been several other means of transportation likeBajaji and Bicycles but these two are rarely used.

The mentioned transportation mechanisms play a very important role on development of both students and citizens who are living near by the campus due to the fact that there is part of students who are not accommodated in the campus, there for they use these transportation facilities to go in and out of the university since there not living in the campus.  
                                    picture show ones of transportation system. 

The following are the significances of Transportation facilities used at Main campus;

Enables the university to intake a big number of students despite of accommodation facilities it has.

Sometimes it happens that a number of students do not fit the accommodation facilities provided by the university, therefore only some of students get accommodation within the campus and the rest have to hire rooms outside the campus. Due to this transportation facilities play a very important role for them to reach the university and attend classes on time.

Saves time.Transportation facilities help students that reside off campus to attend their classes and get back home on time.

Makes movement easier. Sometimes students need to go out of campus to the areas where they can get some services that are not available in the campus areas, they are using these transportation facilities to make them move easily to where they can get their needs.

Improve social awareness to the students who are accommodated off campus. After completing the studies, students are likely to go to different societies and be a part of them, due to the presence of transportation some students are able to live out of campus by hiring rooms, this in one way or the other makes them know how the society is and what does it expect from them as educated people.

Though there have been several importance due to the presence of these transportation facilities but, there are also challenge that face the transportation system to and from the campus. Those challenges are such as;

Poor Infrastructures. Road is not very good due to the presence of holes in it.This can cause an accident and even car breakdown.
                                                   a picture shows bad infrastructure 

Oldness of transportation facilities. Most of the facilities seem to be old and therefore they sometimes cause trouble to passengers and result to uncomfortably to the passengers. Sometimes cars do not start until people push them. Consider the following picture;

                                                 picture shows challenges of transportation system

Breaking of road safety rules. It has been like a custom to most of the drivers to work against the road safety road safety rules; they are in most cases very speedy and busy using mobile phones while driving. This habit may result into an accident.

Absence of passengers. Transportation to and from the campus is highly dependent to students because normal citizens who are residing near the campus are very few, therefore when the holidays come drivers find themselves in a hard time since  a big number of passengers is notthere.

Absence of enough road sign. This is another challenge because no proper use of the road and the major reason is absence of enough road signs. Drivers tend to break laws and defend themselves on the absence of enough road signs something that may cause accidents 

Watch the video of one of the drivers trying to explain about      the Transportation in SUA.


It is our request to the government with the cooperation with university management to make sure infrastructures are improved and road signs, transportation facilities are also improved and drivers of these transportation facilities follow the road using rules. This will ensure the students and other normal citizens to be sure of their transport and allow the university intake a big number of students without having a fear on where they will be accommodated. When all these will be solved, the university will be able to have hostels even far from its territories

We eventually have a hope to the government and management of the University that they together will work on these challenges and improve more the available facilities and bring the better transportation system

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