Thursday, February 18, 2016

Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC) is one among the campuses of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) situated in Morogoro Municipality, about 200 Km west of Dar es salaam, the major business city of Tanzania. Initially the campus started in April, 1979 as an educational facility for the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa being known as ANC School, Mazimbu. Following the execution of a famous ANC freedom fighter, Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu by the then apartheid regime in South Africa, the ANC School was renamed Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) in honor of the freedom fighter’s contribution to the liberation struggles. The SOMAFCO facility was handed over to the Tanzanian Government in 1992 by the ANC following the collapse of apartheid regime in South Africa. Following several requests to the Government by SUA to own the facility, the Government eventually approved the request on 23/7/1998. In March, 1999 the SUA Council during its 60th meeting, renamed the Campus, Solomon Mahlangu Campus in honor of the historical role the Campus played in the liberation struggle of the Republic of South Africa. On March 13th 2000 the MSTHE officially handed over the Campus to SUA. After the handing over, the SUA Council appointed a Director in April,2000 to oversee the administration and transformation of the campus.
  There are two libraries at Solomon Mahlangu campus, The Library (formerly used by the ANC) has been extended by constructing a new building near the old one to increase sitting space and other facilities. This has been necessary following the expansion of enrolment in the existing degree programs, and the launch of new degree programs. and contains different learning materials like books, journals, news papers, research report, magazines and other learning materials.

Images taken from libraries,



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