Friday, February 19, 2016


    Life is a broad concept/phenomenon. Life is a changing phenomenon. Life is mainly categorized in to two situations/conditions namely happiness and sadness. It can further be defined with life aspect of frustration, tears, laughter, stress, fear, courage and others. Life is an omnipresent phenomenon and thus life exist in various areas, at home, at school, in offices; life is defined in every step, every breath, every hour, every day, each year and in a lifetime. Life is a continuous phenomenon.
This story is mainly focused on life moments in University campuses particularly Solomon Mahlangu Campus which provides various bachelor degree programs For more information click here

Most students are happy the moment they realize that they’ve been chosen to join different universities, and that's what most student felt the the day they arrived at this campus and for the moment they made new good friends. 



Students joins hand in celebrating their fellow birthday
   Students celebrate parties, people do sympathize each other in sadness and happiness and that's normal to university students. Students do not feel alone when they birth date arrives, though they are not with their families at home to celebrate, they always have a huge family at their disposal (their fellow students)
Students in group discussion
Students jump out of joy in passing examinations as well as enjoying interaction in group discussion. It's refreshing getting a high mark but also it's refreshing hanging out and being around people especially in group discussion who acts as a family at a time as the quote states "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what."
Students enjoying in sports and games
     Sports and games are part of their life and celebrating in games (at winning point) Students in Sokoine University of Agriculture involves themselves in various games especially during Bonanza days. But also every year, SUA is leading inter-faculty league challenges where as various degree program are competing against each other.

Strongly arguing students over exams

Arguments/debates, at times students do not conform with each other on debates, presentation and various discussion, but that's what makes them to learn. Because with such differences they end knowing the right from wrong hence acquisition of knowledge
·         Other enjoyments includes: Food at reasonable quality, amount and price.


·         Sometime test and presentation are enjoyable if they find someone on his/her favor.
·         Students find life even more enjoyable in the postponement of test and lectures.

Every bright side has its dark side and vice versa is true. Students fight, Students quarrel, Students fail and mostly filled with stress in struggling to achieve their dreams. At times they feel like giving up, they stumble and they fall back. Up again they stand, walk on with goals in their minds, that’s being winners at the end. Factors/challenge associated with unsatisfactory life in Solomon Mahlangu :

Personal Challenges
    Students presentations

  • Fear during presentations, At first most students fear standing in front of people and presenting either because of poor English background or lack of confidence. This is quite common especially in many universities in Tanzania.
  • Missing quizzes, University life has been challenging especially on consequences like missing quizzes (examinations) and eventually they have become distressing to a lot of students. Sometime students are left outside of class when they come late in case of strict lecturer hence missing sessions.
  •  Fear of failing test and eventually failing. 
  • A quite huge number of assignments which made people to assign SUA as “Sokoine University of Assignment”.
  • Low morale of people in participating various games and entertainment events
  • Queues when purchasing a meal.
Institution challenges
    Students at examination room (freedom square)

  • Lack of huge rooms for lecture and exams for multi-faculty courses, This has led people to use Freedom square for examination in which it is not a comfortable hall for such purposes due to interference of people noises when discussing, movements from one place to another hence irritation. Thus, students are not comfortable when conducting examinations

  Lack of chairs, students are many compared to the available changes and it has been a problem as students finds chairs to sit for exams at freedom square or for studying purposes in group assignments.
  • Lack of concrete tables (vimbweta) and immovable chairs, There is lack of concrete table under the trees where it is so refreshing for studying purposes. This has led the disturbance to student in carrying chairs and tables to and fro to studying areas (under the trees).  

    Solomon Mahlangu campus toilet with broken doors
  • Old buildings and lack of technological facilities to enhance learning. The buildings are too old fashioned and they haven't been producing conducive environment for studying.

To learn more about students life at university campuses view the following document on Campus life of University of Bath

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