Thursday, February 18, 2016


Strategy for flood control at Tabora Hostels
Tabora hostels are hostels that are within Solomon Mahlangu campus but they are quite apart from those which are named in unit form. Behind these hostels there is river which pass, it gets dry during dry seasons and accumulated by water during rain seasons. These hostels are usually specific for male students only although year last year were occupied by both male and female university students.

For the past two years during rainy season Hostels were faced with flood problem, whereby flooded water entered into student’s rooms and workers houses. Problem was caused by
the accumulation of sand within the river to its top which forced water not to follow river direction and spread out to hostels and to some workers houses.
SUA management through the use Of university polices provided claims of river land to people who deals with sand business under five year contract. Their responsibilities is to make sure that all deposited sand within the river were taken away so as to make clear direction of the river.
The appearance of the river now is different as before flood control strategy employed, accumulated sand are not there as it was and even water from the rainy that occurred at the end of last month and beginning of this month has followed direction of the river(it will be seen in the video provided). It is the strategy for flood control to Tabora at the same time it generates returns to SUA through receipt issuing for the taken sand For more information click here Flood control. Let’s make assessment for the coming rain but up to now strategy seems to have a positive results as aimed to.



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