Sunday, February 28, 2016


The EU has developed two calls for proposals with a combined value of €57 million with the objective of developing inclusive and sustainable agricultu re-based value chains (Lot 1) and fortified foods (Lot 2) that improve food security for the poor and vulnerable and that reduce poverty and under-nutrition.

Lot 1 specifically focuses on smallholder farmers and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) agribusinesses in developing countries as final beneficiaries by increasing income opportunities, creating jobs and business opportunities along the agricultural supply chains in an inclusive and sustainable manner.

Lot 2 aims to strengthen the production, diffusion and consumption of accessible technologically viable and culturally acceptable fortified food, compliant with national and international standards. It will involve working with government and intergovernmental regulatory bodies, the food processing private sector operators and civil society, reinforcing public-private partnerships.

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