Thursday, February 18, 2016


The history of roads in Solomon Mahlangu campus at mazimbu
Roads are critical components of any place, transportation infrastructure. The maintenance and rehabilitation of any place ensures the movement of people as well as goods and services continuous effectively and efficiently.

SOLOMON MAHLANGU CAMPUS at Mazimbu, the roads were tarmac from the gate to all units (6) and streets like Tabora, Double up street, Copenhagen, and cemetery. The was during the settlements of South Africa freedom fighters 1980’s to 1994 where SUA took the area and made it to be Solomon Mahlangu campus. These roads were used and gradually started to depreciate due to; Lack of maintenance and longtime usage which result to road to be outdate and become non tarmac with holes on it, another reason is climatic factors (rainfall) which results to erosion of the road


Currently the situation of roads infrastructure at SMC Mazimbu is Bad, especially during rain seasons, holes are filled with water once rains fall, example the road to the new library from the main road and the roads in streets like Double up, Copenhagen and in all units there are unpaved roads, this cause difficulties for people, pedestrians and vehicles to pass through, although the roads are passable but with some difficulties due to existence of water holes for more information click here: For university level we can’t say these roads are good enough to be called the roads of the university campus, they are like street roads not university ones.



Solution: Mazimbu campus roads are supposed to be re constructed again to the level of tarmac roads and not non tarmac or unpaved ones.

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