Saturday, February 13, 2016


Silage is the material produced by controlled fermentation of forage crop of high moisture content. The fermentation is controlled by either encouraging the growth of lactic acid forming bacteria which are present on the fresh herbage, or by using chemical additives. Bacteria in fresh forage ferment available CHOs to organic acids which cause the ensiled forage to become acidic. If properly made, pH will be between 3.5 and 4.5. The acids eventually kill the bacteria and preserve the silage in a palatable state so long as air is excluded from the silo.

It is necessary to achieve and maintain anaerobic conditions. In practice, this is done by; Harvesting of the forage, Wilting (Wilt the forage to 30% DM), Chopping the crop or forage materials, Rapid filling of the silo and Adequate consolidation/ compaction and sealing.
Harvesting of the forages
Harvesting forages at the optimum stage of maturity is crucial for top animal performance and productivity, delays in harvesting grasses after heads emerge or after bloom stage decrease the quality of the forage, the proportion of fibrous stems increases as the percentage of leaves decreases.

Forage Harvesting
Wilt the forage to 30% DM ensiling direct-cut forages prevents weather damage and leaf shattering, and lowers harvest costs but, undesirable clostridial fermentation, but seepage loss from silage at this moisture level can be high wilting is necessary to reduce moisture levels.
Forage Wilting
Large forage particles create difficulties in packing the silo because too much air will be trapped in. Poorly chopped material with long stems is also difficult to handle during unloading, chopping forages too fine decreases rumination, cud chewing and salivation and may cause rumen acidosis and low milk levels. The acids eventually kill the bacteria and preserve the silage in a palatable state so long as air is excluded from the silo. Silage can be stored for years without appreciable change in composition if it is properly put up and sealed; although most silage is used within a year after it is made

Rapid filling and consolidation
The chopped forages are compacted to remove air and rapidly filled to the silo to prevent entrance of air in order to facilitate desirable microbes to act on the forage. 

 Silage after 60 days


 For more information please watch the video below


For further clarification listen the audio clip below


For further reading

1 comment:

Unknown said...

2.MWANDUNGA, BARIKI ISACK........ANS/D/2013/0037
3.NYAGAWA, ABSON NORD............ANS/D/2013/0075
4.JAMES, ALLY....................ANS/D/2013/0061
5.KIBOMA, JOSHUA JOHN............ANS/E/2013/0101
6.JOAS, DAWSON...................ANS/D/2013/0070
7.MALAMBUGI, AHOBOKILE...........ANS/D/2013/0069
8.EDMUND, EXPERY FRANCE..........ANS/D/2013/0073
9.MASHINA, NASIBU................ANS/D/2013/0031
10.JUMA, FRANCISCO MUSA..........ANS/D/2013/0077