Sunday, February 14, 2016

Waste collection at SUA- Main Campus, Morogoro

Wastes are unwanted or unusable materials, any substance which is discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use. Wastes can be of solid, liquid or semi-solid type. Examples are pieces of papers, woods, bottle, water from the bathrooms and sludge’s.

Sokoine University of Agriculture - Dumpsite

Wastes management is all those activities and action required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. This includes other things such as collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring. 
There are many waste types defined by modern systems of waste management, notably including: Municipal waste includes household wastes commercial waste, and demolition wastes, Hazardous waste includes industrial waste, Biomedical waste includes clinical waste and Special hazardous waste includes radioactive waste, explosive waste, and electronic waste (e-waste). Proper management of wastes can be done through the use of dustbins. They can be made up of  metal or plastic materials

Waste collection methods vary depending on the location. Hospital wastes are collected and being kept in bins coded according to colors. Other ways of collecting wastes in homes, industries require the use of bins that are not necessary coded as they do not contain hazardous materials. Bins can be made of plastics or metals coded with red, green, black, or yellow colours.

Wastes management is important because it prevents contamination to the soil and water, which can lead to issues with both the environment and human health. Burning the wrong types of waste can release gases into the atmosphere. When waste is properly discarded, special liners are used to prevent toxic chemicals from leaking out and precautions are taken so that any methane related to burning trash is safely contained. Example wastes containing chemicals. When waste is disposed of properly, it helps to prevent additional pollution which can improve public health. Polluted air increases the risk of respiratory illness. Waste that is properly disposed of has a lesser chance of getting into the water supply and causing illness. To read more click here wastes info.

In Sokoine University of Agriculture wastes are managed by the use of dustbins with covers being placed in different areas elevated high enough to prevent scattering. After collecting the wastes, responsible workers burn these wastes in a pit located within the compound. For the case of hospital located in SUA wastes are burnt in an incinerator to render them harmless to the environment.

Wastes management can be explained further using the attached document. 

Proper wastes management will prevent environmental pollution and prevents eruption of diseases in communities. The audio below educates the community in waste management.

1 comment:


Paul Emelda
Mgaya Jacqueline N
Mgaza Jane
Nsodya Philimon
Temu Mary
Stanley Stella
Ndisa Benjamin
Ngomoi Godbless
Raymond Erasto