Saturday, March 22, 2014


Sikuwahi kuwa mkereketwa wala sikuwahi kumsikiliza MHE. MWIGULU NCHEMBA kwa makini sana hasa kwasababu ya tabia na hoja zake kuwa na upendeleo/mrengo wa namna fulani hata kwa kulazimisha ilimradi aonekane ameshinda. Lakini katika hili alilizungumza kwenye hotuba aliyotoa kwenye kikao cha pamoja cha bunge la ACP na EU katika mji wa Strasbourg nchini Ufaransa amenifanya nifarijike. Nchemba alisema bila kumung'unya maneno "In Tanzania We will remain with our values without an assistance in dishonour of homosexual policies"

Swali lililoteka hisia za mkutano lilikuwa swali lililosema 

"The Council of the EU has acknowledged that progress on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is essential to human rights and equitable development. It has continuously and strongly supported the target of achieving universal access to reproductive health as established in Millennium Development Goal 5b, as well as the entire agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (1994). 2014 will be a crucial year, as the International Conference on Population and Development will be renegotiated. Do both Councils agree that this renegotiation must reaffirm that SRHR are fundamental human rights and are key to the continuing development of both EU and ACP states?"
Kama linavyosomeka hapo na jinsi mhe Naibu Waziri alivyo lijibu. Kwa kuwa maswali yalikuwa ya papo kwa papo muuliza swali alitaka Waziri atoe msimamo wa ACP kuhusu haki za ndoa ya jinsia moja na kama nchi zinazokandamiza haki hiyo kama zinastahili kuendelea kupata misaada akitolea mfano Uganda. Mhe Mwigulu alijibu, huku ukumbi ukimshangilia kwa zaidi ya dakika tano huku wote wakiwa wamesimama kuonesha heshima kwake. Wajumbe wakiwa Wamesimama kumshangilia Mhe. Mwigulu Nchemba mara baada ya kutoa jibu hili hapa:

As I have just said, the ACP Council recognizes the strategic importance of access of sexual and reproductive health care including family planning. To our values, tradition and beliefs sexual and reproductive health and rights includes pre-and post natal care and safe delivery, prevention and treatment of infertility and STDs including HIV and AIDS, access to contraceptives, reducing the recourse to unsafe abortions and comprehensive sexual education. The matters related to homosexuality are strictly out of contexts. I would argue the international community with due respect to refrain from linking the development assistance with the specific country stand on homosexual policies. Just like there was colonization, and it come to pass, and we have passed through various periods of Development Assistances with various conditionalities but if we are told to choose between our Values without assistance or Assistance tied with homosexual conditions, we will in top of our voices and in confidence remain with our Values without an assistance in dishonour of homosexual policies.

Mimi binafsi  nimelipenda sana jibu lake kwakuwa limegusa msimamo ya taifa na kuondoa vigugumizi vya mataifa ya afrika kuhusu mapenzi ya jinsia moja. Huu ni uzalendo unaotakiwa kwa vitendo na si maneno kama tulivyo zoea. Africa has to wake up. Ukoloni mambo leo umeanza kukita mizizi kwenye nchi maskini kwa dhana ya kuondoa umaskini kwa misaada amabayo tangu tumeanza kupokea hatuoni umaskini unapungua kwa kasi tunayotegemea. 

Kwa hilo Mhe. Mwigulu ninakupa hongera.

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